I Thought

I thought
Darkness was my lot,
Confusion, Pain, Isolation,
Locked up,
No key to be thrown away.

I thought
Was all I would know.

I thought
I was forgotten,
Swept away,

I thought
Buried alive,
Choked away
from Life, from Love,
was all I would know.

In the forced stillness
of my grave,
I screamed,
I writhed,

Aeons seemed to pass,
But I WAS heard,
WAS Loved,
WAS Remembered,
WAS Sought.

Lightning danced across the sky,
Parted clouds,
Sought here,
Sought there,
Found me.

In my blind terror,
I froze,
Thinking some trick,
Some new torture,
Would descend.

Wary for too long,
I didn’t, couldn’t, respond.
He knew,
He waited,

Until all I thought
was stripped away
From my overburdened Heart.
He kept me safe,
held me close.

Even when
I fought Him
Rebelled out of fear,
sheer terror,
And habit.

He loved me,
Loves me still,
I am precious to Him
I am
His Baby Girl.

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